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FrameNet Brasil is a Computational Linguistics Lab housed at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Our mission is to develop Natural Language Understanding computational solutions based on Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar.


FN-Br and LETra approved for funding


CNPq announced the approval of funding for the project “Semantic Representation of Multimodal Objects: bringing Computer Vision and Natural Language Understanding together via Frame Semantics“. The proposal is a joint initiative of FrameNet Brasil | UFJF and LETra | UFMG laboratories exploring how FrameNet can be used to build a gold standard corpus annotated for

FN-Br and LETra approved for funding

FrameNet Brasil recognized with award for technology development and innovation

The FrameNet Brasil Computational Linguistics Laboratory at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora was awarded, last week, the 1st prize in the Abralin Award for Technology and Innovation in Linguistic Research by the Brazilian Association of Linguistics. The award is in recognition of the work developed by researchers led by Prof. Dr. Tiago Torrent

FrameNet Brasil recognized with award for technology development and innovation




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