This channel follows the new model for standard digital identity for the federal government, which meets the principle recommendations identified for the Web
The term accessibility means to include a person with a disability in the participation of activities such as the use of products, services, and information. Some examples are buildings with wheel chair access ramps and accessible washrooms for disabled people.
On the internet, accessibility refers primarily to the recommendations of the WCAG (World Content Accessibility Guide) of the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and in the case of the Brazilian government, the e-MAG (Modelo de Acessibilidade em Governo Eletrônico –Government Electronic Accessibility Model). e-MAG is aligned with international recommendations, and establishes accessible sharing standards for government sites.
Accessibility on the Web includes the following factors:
• Sites and Applications: developed so that people can understand, comprehend, navigate and interact.
• Browsers, players and media tools: should have media tools specifically designed and directed at people with disabilities, allowing them to access the Internet.
Navigation shortcuts
In the upper section of BrazilGovNews, there is a menu bar where you can find the standardized navigation shortcuts and the option to change the contrast. These tools are available on all pages of the portal.
The standardized keyboard shortcuts for the federal government sites are:
Type Alt + 1, on any page of the portal, to go directly to the main content of the page.
Type Alt + 2, on any page of the portal, to go directly the beginning of the main menu.
Type Alt + 3, on any page of the portal, to go to directly to the site search tool.
In the case of Firefox, instead of Alt + number, simultaneously type Alt + Shift + number.
If using Firefox on Mac OS, rather than Alt + Shift + number, simultaneously type Ctrl + Alt + number.
With Opera, the keys are Shift + Escape + number. By typing only Shift + Escape, the user will open a window with all of the ACCESSKEY alternatives for the page.
At the end of this text, you can download some files that better explain the term accessibility and how this should be implemented on Internet websites.
Laws and decrees regarding accessibility (Content in Portuguese):
- Decree nº 5.296, of 02 of December of 2004
- Decree nº 6.949, of 25 of August of 2009 – Enacts the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol, signed in New York, on 30 of March of 2007
- Decree nº 7.724, of 16 of May of 2012 – Regulates Law No 12.527, which addresses access to information
- Government Electronic Accessibility Model
- Executive Decree nº 03, of 07 of May of 2007 – format .pdf (35,5Kb) – Institutionalizes the Government Electronic Accessibility Model – e-MAG
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