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Research Groups


  1. Social Work, Social Movements and Public Policies



Prof. Dr. Cláudia Mônica dos Santos and Prof. Dr. Rodrigo de Souza Filho


Members: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Aparecida Leite Toffanetto Seabra Eiras, Prof. Dr. Carina Berta Moljo, Prof. Dr. Cláudia Mônica dos Santos, Prof. Dr. Cristina Simões Bezerra, Prof. Dr. Elcemir Paço Cunha, Prof. Dr. Maria Lúcia Duriguetto, Prof. Dr. Rodrigo de Souza Filho, IC scholarship students and master’s students.


The “Social Work, Social Movements and Public Policies” group incorporates undergraduate and postgraduate professors, undergraduate students (Scientific Initiation) and postgraduate students. The objective of the group is to produce knowledge about civil society and social warfare, public policies and democratization processes and their refutations and relations with the fundamentals, with the formation and with the professional practice. It aims at the professional qualification of the social worker and related areas for intervention in the field of management and execution of public policies and in the organizations and social movements of the subaltern classes in the field of civil society. Another dimension that the research group aims to achieve with its production is to deepen and consolidate the dimensions on the themes of the lines of research in the field of professional formation and the formation of the teaching staff. These listed objectives are ultimately aimed at contributing to the debate of corporate projects and the construction of emancipation strategies. In addition to the individual research of the members of the group, there is a collective research called ANALYSIS OF THE SOCIAL, POLITICAL AND CULTURAL CONDITIONS AND THE PROFESSIONAL INTERVENTION OF THE SOCIAL WORKER IN THE IMPLANTATION OF SUAS IN JUIZ DE FORA AND REGION. UFJF/FAPEMIG PROCAD/CAPES: COOPERATION AND EXCHANGE  PROJECT IN SOCIAL WORK Title: CONTEMPORARY CAPITALIST DYNAMICS, WORK, SOCIAL ISSUE AND SOCIAL WORK Participating programs: Post-graduation in Social Work of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Federal University of Juiz de Fora and Federal University of Alagoas

Research Groups Directory:


  1. Labor, labor market and social work



Prof. Dr. Ednéia Alves de Oliveira and Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Vielmi Fortes



Prof. Dr. Ana Lívia de Souza Coimbra, Prof. Dr. Ednéia Alves de Oliveira, Prof. Dr. Isaura Gomes de Carvalho Aquino, Prof. Dr. Ronaldo Vielmi Fortes, IC scholarship students and master’s students.


It centers its interest in the work, in its new features, that determine heterogeneous configurations of the workers. It focuses on the relation between Work and Social Work, in its analytical foundations, unfolding to the treatment of particular insertions in work processes, profile of the labor market of Social Work and of professionals in different socio-occupational spaces. This approach sets a perspective in line with the area of ​​concentration by bringing to the debate the question of the territorial configurations of broader social processes, as well as contributing to the analysis of social classes and their various segments of workers. The group aims at the study and research of the capitalist labor process and the social relations that make up the particularity of Brazilian and regional social formation. It addresses the problem of so-called productive restructuring, taking into account its regional, political and social effects, perceiving them in the capital offensive to the labor force. The group has maintained its participation in the events organized by the RET/Network of Labor Studies of UNESP and RETAS.


Research Groups Directory:


  1. Social issue, Territory and Social Work



Prof. Dr. Elizete Maria Menegat and Prof. Dr. Cristina Simões Bezerra.



Prof. Dr. Cristina Simões Bezerra, Prof. Dr. Elizete Maria Menegat, Prof. Dr. Marina Barbosa Pinto, Prof. Dr. Mônica Aparecida Grossi Rodrigues, Prof. Dr. Viviane Souza Pereira, IC scholarship students and master’s students.


This group consists of professors and undergraduate and postgraduate students. There are 03 lines of research:


– Social issue and urban crisis: It deals with the urban crisis: genesis and structuring. History of the city and urbanization processes in Brazil. Capitalist accumulation, appropriation of territory and social issue. The place of poverty and pauperism in the city. Crisis of the capital, value theory and the production of labor surplus. Social-territorial-racial segregation and social warfare. The intervention of the Social Worker and the social warfare around the urban issue.

– Agrarian and environmental issue, social subjects and Social Work: It deals with the agrarian issue and environmental issue as analytical notions and as fields of social warfares. The debate on environmental issue and agrarian issue within the critical theory. Particularities of capitalist development in the countryside. The constitution of the agrarian issue and the environmental issue in the Brazilian social formation, of the social classes and of the collective subjects in the warfare. The resignification of the agrarian reform. Environmental issues, agroecology, social policies and political formation in the present time.

– Social totality, space and time: It deals with the analysis of categories totality, subject, praxis, space and time in critical theory; Urban and rural in the genesis of capitalism. The territorial division of labor between city and countryside. The concept of border and boundary. Crisis of the capital, territory and social subjects in the present time.


Research Groups Directory:


  1. Study and Research Group on Social Work Fundamentals



Prof. Dr. Marina Monteiro de Castro e Castro and Prof. Dr. Luciana Goncalves Pereira De Paula



Prof. Dr. Marina Monteiro de Castro e Castro, Prof. Dr. Ana Maria Ferreira, Prof. Dr. Luciana Gonçalves Pereira de Paula, Prof. Dr.Sabrina Pereira Paiva, fellows of scientific initiation, undergraduate students, residents, master’s and social workers.


This group proposes to analyze the Social Work from the dimensions that make up the formation process and the professional practice of the social worker in contemporary times, there are two lines of research:


The process of professional formation of the social worker in contemporary times – It deals with the General guidelines for the Social Work Course and the interface with the profile of the graduate student in Social Work; teaching challenges in Social Work formation; dealing of the technical-operative dimension in the pedagogical projects of the Social Work; the elements of the academic formation that support the construction of political and professional strategies and tactics.

The work of the social worker in the social-occupational spaces and social policies: It deals with the insertion of social workers in the different socio-occupational spaces, the contemporary challenges and the analysis of the process of formulating the political and professional strategies and tactics of social workers.

Research Groups Directory:


  1. Research Group on Sexuality, Gender, Diversity and Health: Policies and Rights – GEDIS



Prof. Dr. Marco José de Oliveira Duarte (Leader) and Prof. Dr. Sabrina Pereira Paiva (Vice-leader)



Prof. Dr. Marco José de Oliveira Duarte, Prof. Dr. Sabrina Pereira Paiva, undergraduate students, fellows and volunteers of Scientific Initiation and Extension, Specialized students, Residents and Master’s.


GEDIS brings together undergraduate and graduate professors, undergraduate students, volunteers and Scientific Initiation and Extension scholarship students, as postgraduate, specialized, resident and master’s students. GEDIS articulates its three main focuses: sexuality, gender and diversity in the field of Social Work, through the academic activities of undergraduate and postgraduate education, research and extension, to make visible and public: a) The production of knowledge and the intersectoral debate on these themes, focusing on the field of public policies and human rights, with a special focus on the intervention sector of the public health services, as well as the network of social protection and women, LGBT and blacks rights; b) The experimentation of the confrontations to sexism, LGBTfobia and racism by the activists as a strategy of analytical incorporation in order to think about the relation of the social subjects and the capitalist State; c) The academic formation as the permanent education of workers in the social policies of the Social Work and related fields, increasing the qualification for the dealing with the user population in its different expressions of subjects of rights and their social markers of difference. To that end, GEDIS has four lines of research that combine the research projects and the extension of its components, namely: a) Sexual diversity and health: LGBT health policy; b) Violence, protection network and human rights of LGBT; c) Gender, sexuality and reproductive health; e) Violence and women’s health: Determinations of violence against women and ways of coping. GEDIS is articulated in a network of researchers in the field of Social Work through the Thematic Research Group (GTP) “Social Work, Relations of Exploration/Oppression of Gender, Race/Ethnicity and Sexuality” of the Brazilian Association of Education and Research in Social Work – ABEPSS, in the National Meetings of Researchers in Social Work – ENPESS, as well as by the field and related fields in the Brazilian Association of Homoculture Studies – ABEH. As a result of this engagement, the members participate in the following scientific events in the field of studies on sexual diversity, gender and race, such as the International Seminars Fazendo Gênero (UFSC), Enlaçando Sexualidades (UNEB), Desfazendo Gênero (UFRN, UFBA and UEPB) and Pensando o Gênero (UNESP), as well as the International Congresses of Sexual and Gender Diversity (UFMG-UFOP) and ABEH’s Gender, Race and Gender Studies. It is in these events, therefore, that the articulation of the various research groups of this field is produced, thus becoming a privileged locus for the exchange of the production of knowledge, with emphasis on the journals of this interdisciplinary field.


Research Groups Directory:

