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LiS 2024

The Graduate Program in Linguistics invites everyone to the first edition of the Linguistics Summer School: an event designed for those who already are, for those who want to be and even for those who didn’t even know they could be a linguist.

LiS 2024 will bring together a strong team of researchers to give four courses, one workshop and two lectures during the week of March 11-15, 2024. The program has been designed to present methods, techniques and assumptions of linguistic analysis that can be applied not only to the various sub-areas of the Language Sciences, but also to other fields of knowledge, such as Computer Sciences, Social Communication, Arts, Literature, Semiotics, Education, among others.

The event is free and the activities will be offered in online and hybrid format. The lectures and courses given by the two international guests will be held at the UFJF campus, with the possibility of broadcast for remote participants. Certificates will be awarded to participants who attend at least 75% of the activities for which they have registered.

LiS 2024 is a collaboration between the UFJF Graduate Program in Linguistics, through PROEX/CAPES, and the Brazilian Linguistics Association, which is part of the ABRALIN Summer School initiative.




Multimodality and Visual Language – Prof. Dr. Neil Cohn (Tilburg University)

For over a century language has been viewed as an amodal system, but natural human communication combines speech, gestures, writing, and pictures in multimodal interactions. To account for this, we have proposed that unimodal and multimodal expressions arise out of emergent states of a unitary multimodal language faculty. Such a model carries different expectations for the ways in which modalities may be similar or different from each other, and
how they may interact. I will specifically highlight these properties for our graphic modality, which can manifest in pictorial “visual languages” with a systematic lexicon and complex grammar. I will use analyses of comics corpora to show distinctive patterns that suggest they are drawn in typologically diverse visual languages yet still pervaded by “universal” linguistic principles. Finally, I will argue that a Multimodal Paradigm requires us to reconsider our
conceptions of fundamental linguistic phenomena like universals, relativity, and innateness. Altogether, this work argues for a multimodal basis of linguistic structure, and heralds a reconsideration of what constitutes the language system.
When: March 11th 2024, 7 pm (UTC-3)
Format: Hybrid
Language: English
Where: Auditório da Faculdade de Letras da UFJF (for those joining online, the broadcast will be made via the ABRALIN YouTube channel)


AI, Cognition and Multimodal Communication – Prof. Dr. Mark Turner (Case Western Reserve University)

We explore the recent history of theories of natural and artificial intelligence, and their relationship to multimodal communication. The possibilities for creating artificial intelligence to assist in the study of multimodal communication have increased dramatically in the last few years, even months. What might be the future of using AI to explore the nature of human communication?
When: March 15th 2024, 10 am (UTC-3)
Format: Hybrid
Language: English
Where: Auditório 3 do Centro de Ciências da UFJF (for those joining online, the broadcast will be made via the ABRALIN YouTube channel)



Creativity and Cognition – Prof. Dr. Mark Turner (Case Western Reserve University)

The grounding of human creativity on cognitive processes has sparkle attention of researchers in diverse fields of science. These four classes explore (1) the basic mental operations of human creativity; (2) the workings of these mental operations in language and communication; (3) their workings in how human beings imagine their futures, arching over time, space, causation, and agency. Participants are warmly encouraged to bring their own ideas and questions to the interactive classroom. Three hours is much too long for human intelligence to operate at pitch without active participation.
When: March 11th to 14th 2024, 9 am to 12 pm (UTC-3)
Format: Hybrid
Language: English
Where: Auditório 3 do Centro de Ciências da UFJF (for those joining online, the broadcast will be made via Zoom webinar. Link to be sent via email)


Multimodality – Prof. Dr. Neil Cohn (Tilburg University)

Natural human communication is multimodal. We combine speech and gestures and writing with pictures across a range of contexts. Yet, this richness of human communication remains unaddressed in theories which maintain traditional amodal assumptions about language. What is needed is a new, Multimodal Paradigm. This course will outline a “grand unified theory” of language which expands Ray Jackendoff’s (2002) Parallel Architecture into a multimodal model. I will break down spoken, bodily, and graphic communication into their constituent parts, and
then show that the resulting interactions have systematic characterizations and profiles. Both unimodal and multimodal then expressions arise as emergent activation states out of a singular cognitive architecture. Altogether, this model integrates insights from formal linguistics, cognitive semantics, metaphor theory, Peircean semiotics, sign language, gesture, visual language, psycholinguistics, and cognitive neuroscience. This reorganization reconfigures
notions of linguistic structure, diversity, universals, innateness, relativity, and evolution, and results in a direct confrontation of centuries-old assumptions of language with a reimagination of what language is and how it works.
When: March 11th to 14th 2024, 2 pm to 5 pm (UTC-3)
Format: Hybrid
Language: English
Where: Auditório 3 do Centro de Ciências da UFJF (for those joining online, the broadcast will be made via Zoom webinar. Link to be sent via email)


Basic Notions of Acoustics and Voice with Praat – Profa. Dra. Aline Fonseca e Me. Bianca Lignani (UFJF)

Este minicurso tem o objetivo de introduzir conceitos e grandezas das ondas sonoras, bem como as características acústicas, psicofísicas e prosódicas da fala, aplicando-os ao uso do Praat. Ademais, tem-se por escopo apresentar a interface e as funcionalidades básicas desse software (Praat), desenvolvido especificamente para análise acústica de gravações de voz. Como objetivo principal aplicado, pretende-se que os participantes possam executar as análises propostas pelas ministrantes e interpretar os dados obtidos no software. O minicurso acontecerá em quatro dias, tendo cada um deles um assunto distinto, com cronograma dividido em duas etapas: i) exposição teórica de conceitos-chaves relacionados à acústica (11/03), a características fonético-fonológicas de grupos de vogais e consoantes do Português Brasileiro (12/03), à prosódia e à qualidade e voz (13/03), a execução e desenvolvimento de scripts no Praat (14/03); ii) operação do Praat, por meio de exercícios sugeridos durante o minicurso, que abordam cada um dos temas discutidos segundo o cronograma proposto. Os participantes serão orientados durante o uso do software, desde o momento da instalação deste até a discussão sobre os exercícios de fixação propostos.
When: March 11th to 14th 2024, 9 am to 12 pm (UTC-3)
Format: Online
Language: Portuguese
Where: broadcast via Zoom webinar. Link to be sent via email.


Methodology: experimental design and open science – Profa. Dra. Cristina Name e Thales Buzan (UFJF)

O minicurso explora questões metodológicas na pesquisa linguística de viés experimental. Primeiramente, serão apresentados os principais componentes de um design experimental (hipóteses, predições e pós-dições (_postdictions), variáveis e condições experimentais). Em seguida, abordaremos o movimento Ciência Aberta a partir da crise da replicabilidade e da Open Science Framework com pré-registro de estudos de viés experimental, exemplificando com publicações da área. As atividades terão caráter expositivo e prático.
When: March 11th to 14th 2024, 2 pm to 5 pm (UTC-3)
Format: Online
Language: Portuguese
Where: broadcast via Zoom webinar. Link to be sent via email.



Corpus Linguistics: methodological contributions for treating usage data  – Profa. Dra. Patrícia Fabiane Amaral da Cunha Lacerda (UFJF)

A oficina tem os seguintes objetivos fundamentais: a) evidenciar as contribuições da Linguística de Corpus para o tratamento de dados de uso; b) discutir os critérios necessários para a constituição de corpora de língua falada e de língua escrita; c) apresentar as ferramentas disponíveis nos principais corpora on-line de língua portuguesa, língua inglesa e língua espanhola; d) demonstrar a aplicação do programa Antconc para a análise de extensos corpora a partir tanto de uma abordagem qualitativa como quantitativa. Nesse sentido, a oficina presente contribuir, do ponto de vista metodológico, para o refinamento de pesquisas que assumam, em alguma instância, o tratamento e a análise da língua em uso.
When: March 15th 2024, 2 pm to 5 pm (UTC-3)
Format: Online
Language: Portuguese
Where: broadcast via Zoom webinar. Link to be sent via email.



Registration is closed on Mar 01st 2024.

There is a limited number of spots available and registration will be considered on a first come first serve basis.



Certificates for LiS2024 are available in this drive. Find the certificates with your name and download them to your computer.

In case you find an error in the certificate, please send an email to with the subject line “Certificate correction”. In the email body, include the wrong text and the correction needed. Finally, attach the certificate with the error to the email message. Before requesting any corrections, please be reminded that:

  1. Course certificates require 75% attendance to the course.
  2. Names in the certificates were extracted from registration forms of the email address used on Zoom matches the one in the registration.
  3. If the email used in Zoom did not match the one in the registration form, the name used was the one provided by Zoom.
