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Research Lines

1. Language and Humanities

Having as a common epistemological axis the interrelations between linguistic theories and practices and knowledge in the field of humanities, the researches that derive from the projects sheltered in this line start from the presupposition of the existence of disciplinary and interdisciplinary tensions and interfaces in the language studies. Among the various approaches that operate within this context, we highlight the researches that specifically derive from the relations between Language, Philosophy and Classical Studies – such as language and representation, language and ethics, history and epistemology of Linguistics, text and genres of the Greek and Latin cultures –, as well as from the diverse perspectives of Applied Linguistics – such as: language and language education, discourse and cultural diversity, literacy and technology, linguistic policies and interaction in professional context.

Start date: 08/09/2017


Alessandro Jocelito Beccari

Alexandre José Pinto Cadilhe de Assis Jácome

Amitza Torres Vieira

Ana Cláudia Peters Salgado

Ana Paula Grillo El-Jaick

Carol Martins da Rocha

Denise Barros Weiss

Fábio da Silva Fortes

Fernanda Cunha Sousa

Marta Cristina da Silva

Patrícia Nora de Souza Ribeiro

Thaís Fernandes Sampaio

Postdoc Scholars:

Thenner Freitas da Cunha

2. Linguistics and Cognition

Having as a common epistemological axis the notion of language as a cognitive phenomenon, the projects sheltered in this line start from the assumption that linguistic studies are characterized as a means of understanding the functioning of the mechanisms of human cognition. The researches developed are based on theoretical, computational, processing and use-based language models. In this sense, the teachers of this line are affiliated to the fields of Linguistics typically recognized as Language Processing and Acquisition, Grammar Theory, Computational Linguistics and Cognitive-Functional Linguistics.

Start date: 06/25/2007


Aline Alves Fonseca

Ely Edison da Silva Matos

Luciana Teixeira

Luiz Fernando Matos Rocha

Maria Cristina Lobo Name

Mercedes Marcilese

Patrícia Fabiane Amaral da Cunha Lacerda

Paula Roberta Gabbai Armelin

Sandra Aparecida Faria de Almeida

Tiago Timponi Torrent

Postdoc Scholars:

Lauriê Ferreira Martins Dall’Orto 

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