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Research Groups

The following research groups are led by professors of the Graduate Program in Linguistics:

FrameNet Brasil

The FrameNet Brasil research group derives from the advancements on research, graduate division training and international collaboration achieved by the FN-Br lab since 2007. The group constantly produces theses and dissertations, research papers and technological innovation, among which the FrameNet Brasil World Cup Dictionary, the mknob travel assistant and the syntactic and semantic parser CARMA. The group also develops frame-and-constructions-based language models in a multilingual multimodal setting. FN-Br boasts consolidated international partnerships with several research groups and leads the  Global FrameNet Initiative.


GPEL – Research Group on Latin Teaching

The Group aims at promoting theoretical reflection on the practice of teaching Latin language and literature in Brazil. Among the activities of this group, we highlight the promotion of undergraduate and graduate studies on this issue, as well as the promotion of seminars and forums. The objectives are also to disseminate these reflections through specialized publications and the preparation of teaching materials. It is important to note that the group is composed of researchers belonging to institutions in different regions of Brazil: Unicamp, UFJF, UFES and UFBA.


GRUPELS – Research Group on Language and Society

This group aims to develop research in the areas related to language and society throughout integrated projects and individual ones. Also, it proposes discussions about different theoretical and methodological models, searching for description and comprehension of linguistic phenomena related to social events: linguistic contacts, identity and cultural relations inside school environments and philosophy of language. Symposia, courses, lectures and publications are promoted to disseminate the results of research carried out by its members and respective advisors. Grupels brings together professors and students of master’s, doctorate and scientific initiation who develop research, mostly with funding from development agencies.


Group on Linguistic Studies of Libras (GELLI)

The group on Linguistic Studies of Libras promotes discussion on grammatical aspects of Libras in a descriptive and analytical approach, following the generative framework and congregating graduate and undergraduate students. The group’s research mainly focuses on morphosyntactic aspects and modality effects impacting the architecture of grammar. Extension activities include lecture cycles with invited professors and events where students can share and discuss their research.


Research Group on Language Acquisition and Processing

The Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics Research Group is linked to NEALP (Language Acquisition and Psycholinguistics Lab, UFJF) and investigates language development and processing by linking linguistic theories, cognitive models and experimental data. We focus on language internal (syntax-semantics) and external (syntax-discourse/pragmatics) interfaces.


Research Group on Interaction, Society and Education

The research group on Interaction, Society and Education conducts research on language and education, developing research projects, extension courses and events focused on initial and continued teacher training.


Investigation Nucleus on Grammar Theory (InTeGra)

INTEGRA is a research group inaugurated in 2018 under the Postgraduate Program in Linguistics at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. It is dedicated to the investigation of morphological, syntactic and morphosyntactic phenomena of natural languages. More specifically, through the description of the empirical functioning of these phenomena, the different research developed within the group seek to discuss theoretical approaches that may provide the data with an adequate analysis from an explanatory point of view. In general, INTEGRA’s work is developed under the study of the human language faculty within the generative approach, more specifically inside the scope of the theoretical tools provided by the current developments of the Minimalist Program (Chomsky, 1993, 1995 and much subsequent work) and by the syntactic approaches to word formation, such as the Distributed Morphology framework (Halle and Marantz, 1993; Marantz, 1997 and much subsequent work) and the Exoesqueletal model (Borer, 2000 and much subsequent work).


NUPACT – Research Group in Constructionist Approaches and Translation

NUPACT – Research Group in Constructionist Approaches and Translation was formally created in September 2019 at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. In its genesis the Group aims to establish a confluence between the fundamental assumptions of Construction Grammar, Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies, having substantially the intention to aggregate researches and researchers working either jointly or separately each one of these biases. In practice, the initial actions of the research group date back to 2009, when Patricia Fabiane Amaral da Cunha Lacerda, coordinator of the research group, joined as a professor at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Since then, numerous graduate and undergraduate studies have been conducted. And several research papers were published in important national journals.

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