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About the Program


The Graduate Program in Linguistics of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora aims to build and consolidate knowledge in the field of Linguistics, through theoretical, analytical, descriptive and applied research efforts. The following specific goals are aligned to this main goal:

– Develop theories and applications in Language Science and related fields;

– Promote science communication so that the surrounding community can benefit from research;

– Train linguists for research, education and technologic innovation in fields where language studies are key.

The program has two research lines: Linguistics and Cognition and Language and Humanities.

The Linguistics and Cognition research line is circumscribed in the debate promoted by Cognitive Science and the Humanities on the cognitive aspects of language and their relation with several modes of knowledge. Its main investigation agenda includes Portuguese grammar and lexicon, analyzed from the point of view of meaning construction and language acquisition and conceived of by means of the confluence between theoretical and experimental language models. There are two subfields in this research line: Cognitive Linguistics and Psycholinguistics.

The Language and Humanities research line features, as its common epistemological axis, the interrelations between linguistic theories and praxis and knowledge in the Humanities. Research projects in this line presuppose the existence of disciplinary and interdisciplinary tensions in the interfaces between language, society, philosophy and education. Among the diverse approaches operating within this research line, three clusters stand out: the one derived from the relation between Linguistics and social phenomena – language and interaction, language and use, language contact, bilingualism -, Linguistics and Philosophy – language and representation, language and ethics, history and epistemology of Linguistics -, and Applied Linguistics – language and teaching-learning practices, (multi)literacy and technology, discourse and cultural diversity.

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