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Carlos Benítez Trindad


Academia | Google Scholar | ORCID

Visiting Professor in the Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Juiz de For a (2023). Professor in the History of the Americas at the University of Salamanca. He holds a joint doctorate from the Federal University of Bahia and the Pablo de Olavide University, and completed his post-doctoral research at the University of Santiago de Compostela, with study periods at the New University of Lisbon, the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, and the Federal Fluminense University. Additionally, he is a member of the BRASILHIS research group at the Iberoamerican Institute (USAL) and serves as the editor of the public history project titled “History of the Dictatorship.” His academic interests are focused on indigenous history and indigenism, representations of otherness, imaginaries, and interethnic relations, with a special emphasis on the period of the military dictatorship in Brazil.

Main Publications

  • The endless conquest: military tradition and indigenism in the Brazilian twentieth century. Acervo; Vol. 34 No. 2 (maio/ago-2021): Indigenous history, agency and interdisciplinary dialogues; 1-17, vol. 24, no 2, p. 17-1.
  • «O fracasso como imposição narrativa aos povos indígenas no século XIX e XX na América Latina», en Louçã, João Carlos y Paula Godinho (coord.), Quando a História Acelera: Resistência, Movimentos Sociais e o Lugar do Futuro. Lisboa: Instituto de História Contemporânea, pp. 190-207, 2021.
  • ‘A patriótica e verdadeiramente humanitária proteção aos índios’. Memória e retrospectiva sobre o Serviço de Proteção ao Índio por um velho indigenista. Revista de História, 2021, no 180, p. 1-30.
  • História em Quarentena. Estudos Ibero-Americanos, 2021, vol. 47, no 2, p. e39016-e39016. (com Paulo César Gomes)
  • A questão indígena durante a ditadura militar brasileira e a opinião pública estrangeira em perspectiva transnacional. Revista Tempo e Argumento, 2022, vol. 14, no 35, p. e0106-e0106. (com Paulo César Gomes)