Foreign Candidates
The Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – PPGH/UFJF) hereby announces the Rolling Admissions Resolution and establishes the rules for the selection process to fill vacancies for foreign candidates who are permanent residents outside Brazil for the master’s and doctoral programs.
The Graduate Program in History at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (Programa de Pós-Graduação em História da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – PPGH/UFJF) hereby announces the Rolling Admissions Resolution and establishes the rules for the selection process to fill vacancies for foreign candidates who are permanent residents outside Brazil for the master’s and doctoral programs, in accordance with the requirements of this program’s regulations.
1.1 Foreign citizens may participate in the selection process. A foreign citizen is understood to be any non-Brazilian citizen who resides, with the spirit of permanence, outside Brazil.
§ Those with Brazilian nationality who have been living in a foreign country for more than five years are considered international students.
§ Foreign citizens residing in Brazil are also considered international students.
The vacancies will be defined annually by the board based on an analysis of the demand.
3.1 Applications for the selection process for foreign candidates to the master’s and doctoral programs of the Graduate Program in History at UFJF, for the current year, should be sent via e-mail to the electronic address together with the documentation described in item 3.5. Additional information about the selection process will be posted on the PPGH website:
3.2 Applicants must present certificates of proficiency in Portuguese (within one year of enrollment) and a second language among those required by the program (English, Spanish, French, or Italian), in accordance with Ordinance/SEI no. 1046, of September 16, 2020, regulating the enrollment of international students at UFJF: conjunta-1.pdf
3.2.1 Alternatively, foreign language proficiency may be proved by passing a Foreign Language Reading Test offered by PPGH or by any other institution belonging to the Federal Postgraduate Program network in Brazil or by presenting a diploma/certificate of proficiency recognized by a language teaching institution, subject to evaluation by the Board of PPGH.
3.2.2 Candidates who are not native speakers of Portuguese will, if approved, have a period of one year after enrolling in the program to present a certificate of proficiency in Portuguese.
3.3 PPGH is not responsible for applications that are not received due to technical reasons, communication failures, congested communication lines, or other factors that impede the transfer of data.
3.4 If approved, electronic copies of the documentation, together with a declaration of authenticity signed by the approved candidate, must be presented to the Office of the Graduate Program within the period designated for confirming admission to the program, when they will then be submitted for institutional academic registration.
3.5 At the time of application, scanned versions of the following documents in one of the five languages accepted by the program must be submitted:
3.5.1 A memorandum of no more than 3 (three) pages, containing considerations about the applicant’s academic and professional career, expectations regarding the completion of the academic master’s or doctoral program and their time availability;
3.5.2 Research project (master’s, maximum 12 pages; doctoral, maximum 20 pages);
3.5.3 CV (following ORCID models);
5.5.4 – All documents required by the DRI resolution (Available at:
3.5.5 – Two academic letters of recommendation (in one of the languages accepted by the PPGH); and
3.5.6 – Identification page of the passport, accompanied by a valid visa, and a document showing the name of the applicant’s parents.
3.6 No candidate will be allowed to participate in any stage of the selection process if the required application documents are still pending.
3.7 Information can be obtained via e-mail:
4.1 The application for admission to the program can be made at any time. However, the student will start the program at the beginning of each academic semester stipulated by UFJF’s Graduate Program calendar.
Documents in Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian or French will be accepted in accordance with Ordinance/SEI no. 1046, of September 16, 2020, which regulates the enrollment of international students at UFJF (Available at: content/uploads/sites/21/2020/09/Potaria-conjunta-1.pdf.
6.1 PPGH/UFJF does not guarantee the granting of scholarships. The availability of scholarships depends on funding agencies, and scholarships will be distributed based on the criteria established by those agencies and by the PPGH/UFJF Scholarship Committee.
6.2 Participating in the process implies full acceptance of all the terms in this Announcement.
6.3 Anything not stipulated in this Announcement follows the Regulations for Stricto Sensu Programs of the Dean of Research and Graduate Studies and the General Regulations of UFJF.