The student considered able to defend his dissertation is the one who:
1) Have completed all 24 credits of the course, including required subjects;
2) Is enrolled in the Dissertação de Mestrado subject.
3) Complete at least 12 months of the course in the month of your dissertation defense;
It is important to remember that the minimum period for the master’s defense to take place is 12 months and the maximum is 24 months. Thus, it is essential that the following information is read by the student and advisor as soon as the writing of the final work begins.
The defense kit file (attached below) contains the forms necessary to request the defense, including the bank statement, location, date and time. This indication is made by the advisor. These documents are MANDATORY and requested by the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research at UFJF (PROPP).
IMPORTANT: The Dean of Postgraduate Studies and Research (PROPP) requests that the “Banking Proposal” form be delivered at least 30 days in advance for the examination. Therefore, the documents must be delivered to the Master’s secretariat within 30 days of the defense, as the “Banking Proposal” must pass the approval of the Course Collegiate before being sent to PROPP.
Atestado de Capacidade Técnica
Termo de Autorização para publicação de trabalhos acadêmicos: Termo de Autorização para Publicação de Teses e Dissertações Eletrônicas na Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações – Repositório Institucional da UFJF.
Sistema de Geração Automática de Ficha Catalográfica de Teses e Dissertações
Manual de Normalização de Trabalhos Acadêmicos 2019: Este arquivo fornece todas as normas necessárias para a confecção da versão final do trabalho de mestrado, para fins de homologação do título de mestrado.
University Degree:
After the delivery of the final version of the dissertation by the student, together with the documents requested in the defense kit, an internal process will be opened to request the approval of the title. This approval is made at meetings of the Research and Graduate Studies Council of the UFJF. It is important to note that the lack of any document requested in the defense kit implies the return of the internal file to the course secretariat. Consequently, this could lead to delays in the approval of the Master’s degree. After approval, the Academic Affairs and Records Coordination of UFJF (CDARA) will issue the diploma.