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Main goal:

Train professionals to teach in higher education with expertise in the knowledge of the assessment of physical-functional aspects and rehabilitation interventions based on practice based on evidence. Train researchers with the ability to develop critical thinking and conduct innovative research in the Rehabilitation Sciences area.


Specific objectives:

  • Train masters in Rehabilitation Sciences and Physical-Functional Performance trained to teach in higher education.
  • Contribute to improving the quality of higher education and research in the health area at Higher Education Institutions, where graduates can perform teaching and research activities autonomously;
  • Generate knowledge that supports clinical practice related to functionality and rehabilitation based on scientific evidence;
  • Encourage scientific production in the field of Rehabilitation;
  • Foster academic-scientific integration of postgraduate students with undergraduate academics in collaborative scientific initiation projects and course conclusion work, as well as in pedagogical teaching activities;
  • Idealize, investigate and create materials, techniques, and technologies used in the various subspecialties involving Rehabilitation Sciences, aiming at the technical-technological development of the scientific area to meet the needs of professional and academic-scientific practice;
  • Promote reflections, discussions, and actions that culminate in the generation of knowledge that meet the demands of society, especially in the epidemiological-clinical aspect related to functionality and rehabilitation;

The main strategies that will lead to achieving the objectives proposed by the Program consist of the consolidation of its research field, through the development of its projects (object of study), as well as the effectiveness of scientific exchange with other Institutions and Programs (national and international).