Title: “Respiratory and functional repercussions in the short- and medium-term of individuals after Covid-19 hospitalization″
Student: Caroline Valle Americano
Advisor: Anderson José
Video: https://youtu.be/dGumy2ve4nA
PDF: Master Thesis – Caroline Valle Americano
Title: “Perception of individuals hospitalized due to COVID-19 on benefits, barriers and facilitators for participating in a pulmonary rehabilitation program: a qualitative study”
Student: Rafaella Rabelo Polato
Advisor: Anderson José
Video: https://youtu.be/rvPaCorGP6g
PDF: Master Thesis – Rafaella Rabelo Polato
Title: “Impact of COVID-19 on the health care of children and adolescents with cancer during treatment, on their quality of life and that of their caregivers”
Student: Devika Prem Chandiramani Chiari
Advisor: Paula Silva de Carvalho Chagas
Video: https://youtu.be/I8-s4dRHUuI
PDF: Master Thesis – Devika Prem Chandiramani Chiari
Title: “Muscular performance in individuals with and without shoulder rotator cuff injuries while performing reach and grip tasks”
Student: André Luiz Pinto da Silva
Advisor: Marco Antônio Cavalcanti Garcia
PDF: Master Thesis – André Luiz Pinto da Silva
Title: “The effect of laterality on perceived effort, postural control and muscle recruitment in quadruped exercise variations”
Student: Bruno Pascoalini da Silva
Advisor: Marco Antônio Cavalcanti Garcia
PDF: Master Thesis – Bruno Pascoalini da Silva
Title: “Bed Bridge Test: clinimetric properties of a new functional test for use in hospitalized patients”
Student: Thiago Martins Fernandes Paticcié
Advisor: Carla Malaguti
PDF: Master Thesis – Thiago Martins Fernandes Paticcié
Title: “Association of frailty with clinical and demographic variables and quality of life in hemodialysis patients”
Student: Ana Clara Cattete Bainha
Advisor: Maycon de Moura Reboredo
Title: “Is it possible to discriminate side preference using electromyography? – A systematic scoping review”
Student: Renata Cristina de Oliveira
Advisor: Diogo Simões Fonseca
PDF: Master Thesis – Renata Cristina de Oliveira
Title: “Neuropsychomotor development and contextual factors of premature births aged between 3 and 24 months”
Student: Danielly Reale Grimaldi
Advisor: Lilian Pinto da Silva
Video: https://youtu.be/qR8pCWcwZww?si=aYnXxWUK7BudgfV1
Title: “Feasibility of using a motorized car adapted by the Adapt Project for the mobility of children with cerebral palsy – GMFCS IV and V”
Student: Letícia Ribeiro Diogo
Advisor: Paula Silva de Carvalho Chagas
Video: https://youtu.be/N1_OlwVQGNc?si=484Rb9o9QrtdS9nR
PDF: Master Thesis – Letícia Ribeiro Diogo
Title: “Association of accelerometer data with physical activity level questionnaires in hemodialysis patients”
Student: Bárbara de Almeida Alvarenga
Advisor: Maycon de Moura Reboredo
Video: https://youtu.be/bkpTym4uqTU?si=Kqoq-m35UsflZuEj
Title: “Moderate and moderate-vigorous intensity physical activity associated with clinical and functional outcomes in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease”
Student: Denise de Faria Silva
Advisor: Carla Malaguti
Video: https://youtu.be/vdUen_dyHL4?si=xzbvG9T-v9K27k8g
PDF: Master Thesis – Denise de Faria Silva
Title: “Real-time telerehabilitation in chronic respiratory diseases and post-COVID-19: systematic review and meta-analysis”
Student: Esther Ferreira Timóteo
Advisor: Carla Malaguti
Video: https://youtu.be/POc5_jZIzZI?si=rAqriZi18c9or6FZ
PDF: Master Thesis – Esther Ferreira Timóteo
Title: “Feasibility study of a Brazilian electrical stimulator to activate the gastrocnemius muscle of children and adolescents with cerebral palsy”
Student: Jéssica do Val Rodrigues
Advisor: Paula Silva de Carvalho Chagas
Video: https://youtu.be/UnACdXrGV58?si=sFhS-Ve-GxhWJbUS
PDF: Master Thesis – Jéssica do Val Rodrigues
Title: “Analysis of the functionality of children and adolescents after intensive care up to six months after hospital discharge: a longitudinal study”
Student: Renata de Freitas Pires
Advisor: Cristino Carneiro Oliveira
Title: “Comparison of muscle oxygen levels during the execution of an exercise protocol to resist fatigue in healthy women and women with temporomandibular disorders”
Student: Saulo José Elias e Silva
Advisor: Érica Cesário Defillipo
Video: https://youtu.be/LF4LxBDZSRo?si=DToIT9ERm65qJ6ZI
PDF: Master Thesis – Saulo José Elias e Silva
Title: “Cardiac Autonomic Modulation and Function in people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus one year or more after COVID-19 diagnosis”
Student: Camila Alves Quintino de Souza
Advisor: Lilian Pinto da Silva
Video: https://youtu.be/r0BDBASSW5Q?si=GoKhSMcU0mwmNYWy
Title: “Percussive massage improves pain intensity, fatigue and feeling of recovery after running, but has no effect on performance: Randomized Clinical Trial”
Student: Bruno Soares Alves
Advisor: Diogo Carvalho Felício
Video: https://youtu.be/oE-PHbu5wTQ?si=3JbiHipMIOJRTtJN
PDF: Master Thesis – Bruno Soares Alves
Title: “Glycemic control and lifestyle in individuals with diabetes using primary health care in the city of Juiz de Fora – MG”
Student: Bárbara Oliveira Reis
Advisor: Lilian Pinto da Silva
Video: https://youtu.be/UH3hgbLDLYs?si=WFQlf9xaMKOawLwJ
Title: “Effectiveness of Cupping Therapy on Muscle Pain and Fatigue, Sensation of Recovery and Performance of Recreational Runners: Randomized Clinical Trial”
Student: Larissa Oliveira Barbiéri Coutinho
Advisor: Diogo Carvalho Felício
Video: https://youtu.be/qbAoSzHi69A?si=Ol-q4cJwAw9TKuvM
Title: “Analysis of treadmill running styles of recreational runners at different speeds: a cross-sectional study”
Student: Kamilla Gaudereto Agostinho
Advisor: Diogo Simões Fonseca
Video: https://youtu.be/AJ6DPXguOjM?si=ZzkDxgoewR7b6jFP
Title: “Validity and responsiveness of the Manchester Fatigue Scale in the post-COVID19”
Student: Mara Galdino Muller
Advisor: Carla Malaguti
PDF: Master Thesis – Mara Galdino Muller
Title: “Applications of Opensim software in upper limb biomechanical modeling: a scoping review”
Student: Jéssica Cordeiro Fonseca
Advisor: Diogo Simões Fonseca
Video: https://youtu.be/VaqWAUMk_C4?si=0o0vf8HsqTrWv3fo