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Normative Base

PPG Biodiversity Norms:

PPG Biodiversity and Nature Conservation Regulations

Normative Instruction 2020.01 – Regulates the criteria for accreditation, re-accreditation and disqualification of professors of the Graduate Program in Biodiversity and Nature Conservation at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora.

Normative Instruction 2020.02 – Establishes the PPG Biodiversity and Nature Conservation adjunct coordinations and commissions.

Normative Instruction 2020.03 – Appoints members to compose the PPG Biodiversity and Nature Conservation co-ordinates and commissions in 2020.

Normative Instruction 2020.04 – Regulates the Qualification Exam for the Master’s program for students entering in 2019 in the PPG Biodiversity.

Normative Instruction 2020.05 – Regulates the Qualification Exam for the Doctorate programs for students entering in 2018 in the PPG Biodiversity.

PPG Biodiversity Strategic Planning 

UFJF Norms:

Legislation of Stricto Sensu UFJF Graduate Studies

Norms of funding agencies:

Ordinance 076 CAPES – Social Demand

Joint Ordinance No. 1, of July 15, 2010