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Since 2018, PPGACL integrates the IMACS – International Master in Cinema Studies – it is an international network that brings together 16 universities, fourteen European, one Canadian and one Brazilian, the UFJF.

The network’s objective is that master’s students from partner universities can attend the second and third semesters of their master’s degree while fulfilling credits abroad.

This initiative favors the exchange of students and professors who research cinema and audiovisual, the improvement of research and the internationalization of the PPGACL.

The IMACS works only for the master’s degree and is not a co-tutele, that is, the master’s degree of the student enrolled at UFJF will be from UFJF.

The international coordination of IMACS will issue a document to be attached to the diploma, proving that the student has taken the courses in foreign universities.

Until August 2020, the PPGACL received 4 foreign students, from 3 countries, who participated in part of their training at the PPGACL.


University of Porto

Since 2019, the PPGACL and the University of Porto can carry out academic and scientific cooperation, which allows:

  • Mobility of undergraduate and graduate students, through which they can attend courses and participate in research activities at the host institution;
  • Mobility of research professors, through which they can give lectures, workshops, short courses and subjects and conduct or participate in research activities at the host institution;
  • Co-tutele (joint supervision) of doctoral thesis exercised by supervisors linked to each of the institutions;
  • Joint development of research projects;
  • Joint production of scientific publications;
  • Participation and strengthening of the All Arts/All Names Lusophone Network;
  • Co-organization of academic, scientific and cultural events, such as congresses, seminars, among others.

The cooperation takes place with the Department of Sociology at the University of Porto.

In 2020, PPGACL master’s student Adriana Andrade Alves holds an exchange program at the University of Porto, where she develops the work “Poéticas Centradas no Corpo” belonging to the “Corpoexperience” project.


Global July

Conducted by the Directorate of International Relations, in partnership with the Pro-Rectory of Graduate Studies and Research, Global July is a program that offers short courses in foreign language for Brazilian and foreign students during the summer vacation in the Northern Hemisphere. The intention is to make UFJF students themselves able to experience the internationalization experience at home.

In 2019, Professor Maria Isabel Baldasarre (Universidad Nacional de San Martin – Argentina) taught the course “Being modern. The genres of art between Europe and Latin America acronyms XIX and XX”, in Spanish during the month of July, for students of PPGACL and of the academic community of UFJF in general.


Visiting Professor Program

The Pro-Rectory of Graduate Studies and Research (PROPP) of UFJF released Notice No. 28, of September 21, 2017, through which each UFJF PPG was able to hire a visiting professor for a period of up to 4 years.

From the public notice, PPGACL received in the first semester of 2018 Professor Paula Maria Guerra Tavare, from the University of Porto, who taught the subject Theories of Culture and Art and held, on March 21, the opening lecture of the PPGACL semester called “Recent dynamics of festivalization of contemporary culture”.


Researcher/Collaborator from abroad

The Pro-Rectory of Graduate Studies and Research (PROPP) of the UFJF, made public notice 01/2029, July 17, 2018, available for Researcher/Collaborator Reception, which allows the arrival of researcher/collaborator from abroad to teach courses in short duration (up to 15 days) and lectures for postgraduate students at UFJF, which may also be extended to undergraduate students.

From the notice, the PPGACL received in 2018 Professor Ana Claudia Suriani da Silva, who gave a lecture “The text and the image in Brazilian magazines with fashion content”, on November 5th at the Geraldo Pereira Auditorium of the IAD/UFJF and the mini course “Fashion in Machado de Assis’s fiction: from the newspaper to television”, which took place on November 6th and 13th.