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Course Proposal

Seeking to respond to the challenges and expansion of spaces and dimensions of art and culture in the contemporary world, the Post- Graduating Program in Arts, Culture and Languages has as its main objective to train researchers and teachers capable of working in the field of arts and culture in an interdisciplinary perspective.

The PPGACL proposal comprises a concentration area called Interdisciplinary Theories and Poetic Processes and is divided into three lines of research: Art, Fashion: History and Culture; Cinema and Audiovisual; Visual and musical poetics.

The Area of Concentration, the Lines of Research as well as the course disciplines included in this proposal were defined in line with the research carried out by the professors, aiming to stimulate a broader perception of research in arts and culture in an interdisciplinary interface with the humanities and applied social sciences.

In addition, by welcoming the contribution of different areas of knowledge, the Program intends to collaborate in the development of a collaborative and organic structure that aggregates, promotes and develops in-depth interdisciplinary studies on artistic processes, cultural manifestations, aesthetics, and history, theories and formalizations linked to the material and phenomenological aspects of art and culture.