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Note: More information will be added, as soon as new sessions or tutorials are defined.

Tutorial 1: Signal Processing and System Performance Characterization in the Context of Smart Grids 


This tutorial will cover signal-processing techniques to evaluate system performance within the ever increasing complexity of smart grid context of applications such as detection, identification, monitoring, control, protection, impedance measurements, synchronization, decomposition, re-sampling of signals, among other topics.

The tutorial is related to a recent book from the authors entitled: Power Systems Signal Processing for Smart Grids, Wiley, 2013.



Paulo Fernando Ribeiro

Federal University of Itajubá – Brazil

Technische Universiteit Eindhoven – The Netherlands


Paulo Márcio da Silveira

Federal University of Itajubá – Brazil


Carlos Augusto Duque

Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Brazil


Augusto Santiago Cerqueira

Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Brazil


Tutorial 2: Robotic applications: a comparison between frameworks ROS and HTTPThru 


The implementation of several algorithms of localization, mapping, navigation and control of mobile robots require sophisticated algorithms to communicate and interact to several robotic devices and drivers.
Over the recent past years, ROS (Robotic Operating System) has become the most widely robotic framework around the world.
ROS is multiplatform, however is predominantly used in Linux, and, for programming, employes C and Python. Yet, several languages which could be used are not covered. The main feature is the active comunity, developing and integrating several sensors and actuators to the system.
Similarly, the group of assistive robotics of the Stat University of Campinas/Brazil (Unicamp) has developed over the few past years an analogous framework, named HTTPThru.
This piece of software enables, through Linux and HTTP, to communicate with drivers of some robots, sensors and actuators.
The main advantage is to overcome the programming language limitation, permiting virtually any programming language to exchange information and control the robotic systems (such as C/C++/C#, Java, Phyton, Matlab, and several others).
Then, the interaction with the robotic devices can be performed in high-level programming environments by Application Programming Interfaces (APIs).
This short course aims to present the two frameworks, ROS and HTTPThru, and to develop the student’s contact with both. To be given in Portuguese.

About presenters:

André Marcato has PhD in Electrical Engineeering since 2002. he is a Senior Member of IEEE “Power and Energy Society” and “Robotics and Automation Society”.
He is an Associate Professor at Federal University of Juiz de Fora/Brazil since 1994, in the Electrical Engineering department.
Has been active in teaching and research in the areas of energy planning and control theory . Its main activities have been related to the development of optimization techniques applied to hydrothermal coordination , planning of the operation and expansion of electrical energy and large systems and robotics.

Leonardo Rocha Olivi has Masterscourse in Electrical Engineering, in the field of Automation and Control of Dynamic Sytems. He is a PhD student at State University of Campinas since 2010, in the field of Assistive Robotics. He is an Assistant Professor at Federal University of Juiz de Fora/Brasil since 2014.

Alexandre Menezes Teixeira graduated in Control Engineering and Automation – CEFET – MG in 2012 and currently is in the final phase of the master’s degree in electrical engineering at the Intelligent Robotics Group ( GRIN ) of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora/Brazil.

Wolmar Araujo Neto graduated in Control Engineering and Automation – UFOP – in 2012 and completed his Masters in Electrical Engineering in the laboratory of the Intelligent Robotics Group ( GRIN ) of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora/Brazil.



André Marcato

Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Brazil


Leonardo Olivi

Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Brazil


Alexandre Menezes

Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Brazil


Wolmar Araújo

Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Brazil


Tutorial 3: LED Luminaires, characteristics and lighting design



1) LED luminaires for public lighting, technical requirements and requirements for laboratories. Relative vs absolute photometry. Measurement of spectral distribution and color coordinates. Evaluation of luminous flux on the upper hemisphere and spectral contamination. Harmonic content measurement. Light calibration of stray photogoniometer and intercomparison of laboratories.
2) LED Related Standards. LED as light source, brief description of the technology, technology Stadium against classical lamps. Assessment criteria, standards and product quality. New terminology: Definitions and glossary. Design of LED luminaires and installations.
3) Lighting design assisted by computers. Preliminary design analysis to determine the lighting requirements. Study of technical documentation and architecture modeling. Access and loading of photometric data of lamps. Modeling the geometry of the lighting system: Selection, Installation and addressing of fixtures. Parameter definition and calculation meshes. Execution of preliminary and detailed calculations. Analysis of numerical and graphical results. Virtual design images. Preparing and editing reports.

Language: Spanish and Portuguese



Elvo Calixto Burini Jr.

Dr. Ing. Profesor Doctorado en Energía, USP Brasil
Coordinador basilero del CAFP-BA n.048/13


Eduardo R. Manzano

Dr. Ing. Director del DLLyV-UNT
director de la Maestría en Luminotecnia
Coordinador argentino del CAFP-BA n.048/13


Leonardo O. Assaf

Dr. Ing. Profesor del doctorado MAVILE del DLLyV-UNT


Mario R. Raitelli

Mag. Ing. Profesor del doctorado MAVILE del DLLyV-UNT



Plenary Sessions


1) Prof. José Marcos Alonso Alvarez

Universidad de Oviedo, Spain
Presentation Title: GaN HEMT: An Overview of Device Operation and Applications in Power Electronics

Abstract: Power switches based on semiconductor technology have greatly evolved since their first applications in 1960’s decade. Main goals to improve power switches focus on decreasing switching times, series resistance and of course cost. Lower switching times allows for higher operating frequencies of power electronics converters, decreasing both weight and volume and even allowing for integration of power converters in silicon, which is a recent technology known as power system on chip (PSoC). In this milieu, the more promising technologies are based on wide bandgap semiconductors, especially those based on Gallium Nitride (GaN). GaN transistors are high electron mobility transistors (HEMT) that take advantage of the spontaneous formation of a two-dimensional electron gas in the intimate region of two adjacent AlGaN and GaN layers. A very fast and low on-resistance device can be obtained with this structure. The talk will deal with this type of devices in an introductory level by presenting basic GaN FET structures and features, characteristics of commercially available devices, device characterization and modelling and typical applications in power electronics.

Speaker Info, click here (in Spanish)


2) Prof. Luigi Vanfretti

Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Estocolmo
Presentation Title: Real-Time and Predictive Monitoring, Analysis and Control of Cyber-Physical Power Systems

Abstract: The uncertainty brought about by renewable energy resources (RES) requires to develop a new understanding on how to monitor, operate, control and protect power transmission networks who will intensively depend of these energy sources.

 Future power systems will increasingly depend on wide-spread sensors, actuators, and computer systems exchanging real-time measurements and control actions through communication networks. To exploit the availability of wide-area time-synchronized measurements and distributed control systems, software and hardware solutions will be ‘in the loop’, transforming the electrical power networks into cyber-physical systems. These solutions need to be developed with a strong foundation in control theory, communication networks, efficient IT, measurement-and-model based analytics (such as model-based design, signal processing and machine learning), embedded systems design and implementation, and power engineering knowledge to enable resilient operation of the future cyber-physical grid (i.e. the “technical” smart grid).

 This talk will explore, through research project examples, concepts, methods and tools enabling a transition towards a smart cyber-physical grid where increased sensors, ICT, analytics and control can be enabled through the development of Wide-Area Monitoring Protection and Control (WAMPAC) applications, which in turn can aid in managing the stringent operation conditions which RES pose to current power transmission grids.

 Furthermore, to develop new real-time data based applications, experimental work needs to be performed. An overview of a real-time hardware-in-the-loop laboratory (SmarTS Lab) created to achieve this goal will be presented. The on-going and future development of “Smart Grid Apps” (software applications) using a measurement-and-model-based data analytics can help in monitoring and controlling large scale power networks is briefly outlined.

Speaker Info, click here


3) Liliana Arévalo, PhD 

ABB Power Systems HVDC R&D Department, Ludvika, Sweden
Presentation Title: HVDC: New challenges and developed technologies

The aim of the keynote address is to present a brief view of what is an HVDC transmission system, the available technologies of high voltage direct current networks such as HVDC Classic
and HVDC VSC (Light®), advantages and disadvantage, their application and ABB HVDC experience in the field. 

Additionally, actual challenges for application in the grid such as interconnecting grids, renewable energy connections e.g. offshore wind connections, HVDC breaker, UHVDC, will be presented.