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About IEEE Xplore and ISBN

Dear Induscon attendees,

This message is to inform you that the conference organizers have sent to IEEE, by the end of January/2015, all the files required to finish processing our conference. 88 papers which were totally written in English language will be considered for publication in the IEEE Xplore Platform (they are called by IEEE as Xplore Compliant papers).

All other papers have been also mailed to IEEE, since the Institute also require some copies of our conference CD-ROM and the print catalog (conference proceedings). By this way, IEEE establishes that all papers, other than the Compliant ones, can be assigned the ISBN number: 978-1-4799-5550-3. Xplore Compliant (88 papers totally written in English) will receive the ISBN number: 978-1-4799-5551-0. Moreover, they will appear in IEEE Xplore Platform and will be assigned a D.O.I (digital object identifier).


INDUSCON 2014 Organizers