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Curso em Dynamic Global Trade Analysis recebe submissões até dia 09

Seguem até dia 09 de abril as submissões para o curso “Dynamic Modeling and Applications in Global Economic Analysis”, que acontecerá na Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA, entre 6 e 11 de outubro deste ano. A taxa de inscrição é de $4,500 e inclui seis dias de curso, instrução individualizada, palestras, cofee breaks diários, cinco almoços, duas recepções e um jantar.

Os organizadores atentam que a demanda para o curso é alta e, por isso, recomendam que as submissões sejam feitas com antecedência. Ressaltam ainda que a submissão não garante o aceite para participação.



This course is intended to introduce users to the Dynamic GTAP Model (GDyn). The course consists of a mixture of online and onsite instruction. The online course lasts seven weeks, introduces participants to GDyn, and is designed for self-paced learning. The one-week onsite course consists of a mix of daily lectures, lab assignments, and informal discussions designed to review the basic features of the GDyn Model and how to develop a “business as usual” scenario, or baseline simulation, which is a key component of all policy simulations using a dynamic model. During the onsite portion of the course, participants will obtain hands-on experience and learn to aggregate the GDyn Data Base and develop a baseline scenario using information from the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways, which has been annualized for ease of use. For the policy scenario, participants will estimate the effects of certain aspects of recent multi-regional trade agreements. After the replication exercise, participants will work in groups to develop and analyze their own policy extension, with their results being presented on the final day.

The onsite exercise will consist of a short course-version application based on the following studies:

– Applied General Equilibrium Analysis of Mega-Regional Free Trade Initiatives in the Asia-Pacific

– A Dynamic Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) Analysis of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Potential Impacts on the New Zealand Economy

– Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement: Likely Impact on the U.S. Economy and on Specific Industry Sectors

The end goal of the course is for participants to leave with the capability of conducting and analyzing their own dynamic simulations using the GDyn Model.