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FGV invites applications for full-time positions at the rank of Lecture

The Sao Paulo School of Economics – FGV invites applications for full-time positions at the rank of Lecturer.

Applicants for Lecturer positions must have a PhD in economics, statistics or finance, completed or near completion, and should demonstrate strong research abilities and a commitment to teaching.

Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, a research paper, and teaching portfolio.

The Department offers an outstanding research environment and competitive salary and benefits. Applications received by May 23, will receive full consideration.

Successful applicants will be expected to teach four undergraduate, MBA and/or Masters courses per year (two classes per semester), supervise students in his/her fields of expertise, and develop an independent research program.

Contact: Vladimir Teles (e-mail: vladimir.teles@fgv.br)

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