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Call for Submission of Tutorials Proposals

COBEP 2017 Call for Tutorials

The 14th edition of the Brazilian Power Electronics Conference (COBEP) is calling for researchers interested in lecturing Tutorials during the conference to submit their proposals to the Conference Technical Committee. The proposals will be analyzed and 4 (four) Tutorials will be chosen to be presented to the public, with their material being subsequently published in an e-book form (ISBN will be provided by the conference). The presenters will be counted as authors of each corresponding Chapter of the e-book (one Chapter per Tutorial). The Conference will also concede up to 2 (two) Student Registrations (free fees) for authors and presenters of the selected Tutorials.


The topics of interest are, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Power converter topologies and design
  2. Electrical machines, motor drives and motion control
  3. Modeling, simulation and control in power electronics
  4. Power quality, harmonics and reactive power compensation
  5. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI)
  6. Power electronics in renewable energy systems
  7. Power electronics in smart grid and utility systems
  8. Power semiconductor devices, packaging, magnetic materials and passive components
  9. Power electronics in lighting systems
  10. Power electronics in automotive, aerospace and transportation systems


Interested researchers should submit their proposals to tutorials_cobep2017@engenharia.ufjf.br, in the form of a single-column PDF document, limited to 10 pages, along with the Title of the Proposal, authors’ and presenters’ complete names, affiliations, the abstract of the proposal, selected details about the subject, description about its importance and timeliness to the power electronics field, closing with a brief résumé (curriculum vitae) of the researchers involved in the preparation of material and lecturing, listing their expertise in the field.

The tutorial proposals and final text might be submitted in either English or Portuguese language. Tutorials might be presented in Portuguese or English, but the accompanying slides during the Tutorial presentation must be in English language. In the case of acceptance, the final material must be organized in a PDF document having between 15 and 30 double column pages (concerning the COBEP 2017 paper template). Further instructions will be provided by the Conference Organizers.


The important dates to be observed are:

  • Tutorial proposal submission deadline – June, 2nd, 2017
  • Acceptance notification date – June 15th, 2017
  • Date for submission of final material (for the e-book) – August 11th, 2017
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