Hours of instruction: 60 hours
Language: Portuguese
The city as a power field: Territory and space. The birth of the city and the territorial division of labor. Social and spatial formations and pre-capitalist urban crystallizations. The city in colonial Brazil. Urbanization and productive capitalism. Globalization of capital and urban societies.
The capitalist production of space: Understanding space as an agent and product of the capitalist development according to the different historical times. Capitalism and the emergence of urban production; urban x rural. The territorial division of labor across the global economy. The counter space as capital hegemony resistance. The city as a dialectical synthesis of the contradictions: the public space and social movements.
Assessment and management of environmental risks: Conceptualization of risk and environmental safety. Typology of environmental risks. Risk evaluation methods. Case studies:
Applied Biogeography: The concept of biogeography; natural vegetation and human action; ecological analysis of ecosystems: natural and created ones; the use of biodiversity in Brazil from the perspective of politics, economy and ecology; urban biogeography: the impacts of urbanization and effects on environmental quality. Planning, conservation and monitoring of the urban environment.
Environmental Climatology: Theoretical and methodological foundations of geographical climatology.Basic knowledge of dynamic climatology. The climate as a research tool of the geographical space. The scalar approach levels used in climatological research. The climate as a basic natural element, its geo-environmental and geo-economic integration. Methods and techniques of climatic analysis The urban climate as a component of environmental quality: strategies in the geographical approach. The interference of social and spacial relations in climate variability. The geoecological and urban conditions in climate studies. Climatic attributes and modifications induced by urbanization. The role of vegetation in the urban climate.The geographical climate analysis as a subsidy to urban planning.
Space, society and nature: To analyze the role of space in relation to society in order to interpret the human space as a historical fact to establish an analytical framework to recognize spatial categories. To interpret the society-nature relations taking into account the nature and transformed nature. To discuss the environmental crisis of contemporary society taking into account the capitalist appropriation of space and nature.
Theme studies in Cultural Geography: Cultural analysis in classical geography; Carl Sauer and the new cultural geography; space and culture in modernity and postmodernity; contemporary cultural geographies; space, place, territory and cultural landscapes; thematic seminars in cultural geography.
Geography, Space And Action: Space, time and social action in the analysis of society. The space in critical social theory. Social actions as manifestations of subjects in space and as a form of resistance. Theory of social movements. Social movements and the production of space. Space and action. Space, action and politics. Space and citizenship.
Geomorphology applied to the study of the dynamics and evolution of tropical landscapes: Geomorphological theories and the evolution of the Brazilian terrain.The systemic approach as a theoretical-methodological resource for the study of the dynamics and evolution of the landscape.The tropical environment, weathering and formation of change covers. The different conceptions about the evolution of the Brazilian terrain based on the study of planning surfaces and associated erosion levels. The interference of tectonic factors in the evolution of the terrain in the tropical cratons. The role of climate change.Evolution of terrain, and landscape genesis, evolution and structure.The landscape dynamics in the tropical environment and its management.
GIS for environmental analysis: To teach the basics of spatial analysis done through GIS. To teach the basics of Geostatistical Analysis through GIS. To teach the basics of 3D analysis through GIS. To develop practical knowledge for the execution of projects related to the themes above through the appropriate GIS software,.
Hydraulic resources: Water and Water Resources; Cycles of Water; Basin as a Unit of Research and Intervention; Environmental Diagnosis; Environmental Zoning; Environmental Management; Management and Administration; Watershed Management and Water Resources Management: Conceptual and Legal Aspects; Water Quality and Legislation; Juiz de Fora and Water: sources and public supply; Paraibuna and Regional Planning.
Theory and epistemology of Geography: The development of geography as a science. The man-nature relationship: the way of nature and society. The constitution of its object. Concepts: space, territory, place, landscape, region and network.