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Socio Environmental Dynamics

In this work, themes that refer to the relation between society and environment are investigated. The themes worked relate to the environmental problematics, considering the complexity and the conflict of the socio environmental issues, and the emergency of the approach of risks and socio environmental vulnerabilities, proposing the integrated approach of physics geography and human geography, both in the investigation of process that influence the earthly landscapes in its formation, evolution and future perspectives, as well as in the investigation of shifts in society, results between the interaction of it with its environment. In this line are inserted the researches about the analyses, the planning and the environmental education. The line is committed to the development of management, avaliation, monitoring and environmental planning instruments, appropriated to the diversity present in the brazillian reality. The relations between society, nature, sustainability, economic development, education, work and technology are also investigated.


Sociospatial dynamics

The relationships between society and geographic space are investigated, focusing on the organization and production of the space. Matters related to the ways of appropriation in the city space are investigated; the recent dynamics from urbanization; the relations and conflict  between the diverse subjects that produce the space; the configurations of the urbane and regional network; the impacts and socio environmental conflicts of the economic-mineral development model; the urbane, rural, youthful and afro-brazillian territorialities; the development and modernization of the agricultural sector; the cultural and touristic dynamics in the landscapes; the popular parties, rituals and traditions, among other examples. In those approaches, the interdisciplinary infocus, the cartography as geographic language and the part of theories and methods in Geography are valued.