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The National Congress on Religious Studies, CONACIR, is an event organized annually by students/researchers of the Graduate Program in Religious Studies at the Federal University of Juiz de For a (PPCIR/UFJF). It is an important event in the Area of Religious Studies and Theology in Brazil, responsible for gathering Brazilian and international researchers and scholars, as well as professors and students interested in the studies of religion. It promotes and presents research and teaching productions, reflections and practices on the theme of religion in its relation with other dimensions of social life and their repercussions in other areas of the daily life. This way, CONACIR is
a gathering site for debates, partnerships and dialogues between students and professors, as well as a space for formation and capacitation for teachers of public and private schools.

Visit the Webpage: VIII CONACIR – Congresso Nacional de Ciência da Religião da UFJF

Publication of papers from previous editions