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The Master’s Program in Religious Studies is regulated by the Internal Regulation of PPCIR/UFJF and its Pedagogical-Political Project.

Duration: 24 months, provided of an extension for 6 more months for exceptional cases.

Credits needed: 36


Modality Component Credits Hours
Mandatory Religious Studies Epistemology 4 60
Mandatory Extracurricula Academic Activities 4 60
Mandatory Research Seminar I 4 60
Mandatory Master’s Thesis 8 120
Electives Diverse 16 240
Total 36 540



The Doctoral Program in Religiuous Studies is regulated by the Internal Regulation of PPCIR/UFJF and its Pedagogical-Political Project. Time

Duration: 48 months, provided of an extension of 12 months for exceptional cases.

Credits needed: 52

Modality Component Credits Hours
Mandatory Religious Studies Epistemology 4 60
Mandartory Extracurricular Academic Activities 8 120
Mandatory Line Mandatory of Line of Research 4 60
Mandatory Research Seminar II 4 60
Mandatory Doctoral Dissertation 16 240
Mandatory Teaching Internship 8 120
Electives Several 8 120
Total 52 780



The post-doctorate program seeks the improvement in research on the themes related to the religious phenomenon under the supervision of a permanent professor, accomplished at PPCIR, by researchers that hold a Doctor title. The goal of the program is to improve the level of scientific excellency of the Program, the University and the Lines of Research, lasting at least six months and a maximum of two years. There are possibilities for renewal up to the limit of five years duration in total.

The post-doctoral internship can be developed in the following modalities: financed through a post-doctoral scholarship by an agency or equivalent scholarship; paid leave from the research or teaching institution; without scholarship. In the case of scholarships granted to PPCIR, an announcement will be made for selection.

To enter the post-doctoral program the request has to be sent by the intended supervisor to the coordination of the PPCIR to be analyzed by the collegiate of the Program.

In order to be admitted to the Program, the candidate must present a work plan, approved by the supervisor. The work plan must have, necessarily, a research project and the detailing of the activities to be developed.

For the certificate of conclusion to be issued, the supervisor must send to the Collegiate: final research report, together with a report by the supervisor; proof of the submission of at least one article in a scientific journal of excellency with evaluation by peer review for each year of research, preferably in co-authorship with the supervisor and connected to the scope of the research developed in the Post-Doctorate; and, at least, the organization of one research seminar per year (offering extension courses at the Department; organizing academic events; conferences, classes and participation in thematic events etc.).

See the Internal Regulation of PPCIR for more information.