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The Computer Science Master’s course prepares qualified professionals to research, teach and contribute to the scientific and technological knowledge evolution in computer science, as well to be able to use this knowledge on the evaluation, specification and development of new mathematical and computational models, tools, methods and computational systems.

The course educational and research subjects include the areas of:

  • Software Engineering
  • Database
  • Computer network
  • Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Signal Processing
  • Multimedia Systems
  • ComputationalIntelligenceandOptimization
  • ComputationalBiology
  • Bioinformatics

The egress will must be able to:

  • Demonstrate knowledge of the main aspects and problems involved in the computer science area, specially those related to the chosen research field.
  • Think critically and use appropriate scientific methodologyfor problem solving and decision making.
  • Introduce innovations in the design and execution of mathematical and computational models.
  • Learn independently and understand the evolution of their research domain.
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