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Master’s Structure

The curriculum of the Master in Computer Science was prepared considering the program objectives and the desired egress profile, consisting in a courses’set coherent with the concentration area and integrated with the two research program lines.

The subjects of the Master in Computer Science are grouped into three types: Common Core, Specific Core and Advanced Core. There are seven Common Core disciplines, eleven Specific Core disciplines and nineteen Advanced Core disciplines.

1- Common CoreSubjects:

(1) Theory of Computing
(2) Algorithms and Data Structures
(3) Modern Computer Architecture
(4) Analysis and Algorithms Project
(5) Scientific Methodology
(6) Quantitative Methods in Computer Science
(7) Software Engineering
The common core courses deal with aspects related to basic knowledge in computer science and the research process and scientific methodology turned to the Computer Science area .

2- Specific Core Subjects, by research line:

(1) Systems and Computer Technologies: Computer Graphics and Geometric, Digital Image Processing, Database, Distributed Software Development, Computer Networks, Distributed Systems, Multimedia Systems Fundamentals;
(2) Computer Applications: Machine Learning, Intelligent Computing.

3- Advanced Subjects, by research line:

(1) Systems and Computer Technology: Virtual and Increased Reality, Focused Development by Models, Software Autonomous Systems, Wireless Networks and Mobile Systems of Communication, Special Topics in Computer Systems and Technologies, Experimental Software Engineering, Seminar in Networks and Multimedia Systems;
(2) Applications of Computing: Data Mining, Applied Intelligent Systems, Special Topics in Computer Applications, Special Topics in Biological Systems, Special Topics in Combinatorial Optimization, Seminars in Computer Graphics, Communication Networks Multimedia, Seminars in Computer Graphics, Seminars in Software and Database Engineering, Special Topics in Computer Graphics, Special Topics in Computer Networks and Multimedia Systems, Special Topics in Software and Database Engineering.
Therefore, the curriculum offers 35 subjects, each one with 3 credits (15 hours per credit) and the Teaching Internshipcourse, 1 credit. The student must attend at least three Common Core subjects and, compulsorily, two of the courses among: Computing Theory, Algorithms and Data Structures and Algorithms Analysis and Project. The other subjects should be attended by choosing among the courses listed by research line . These can be attended freely by students, since there are research projects that involves the dialogue and articulation between research lines.

The Master in Computer Science of UFJF requires the student to comply at least 24 credits, 12 credits being in basic subjects (three from Common Core and one from the Specific Core) and the rest in Specific and Advanced Core subjects. The academic activity “Teaching Internship” worth credits for students who intend to work as a professor.