The Nucleus of Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure
Linked to the Department of Chemistry and to the Postgraduate Program in Chemistry at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, the Nucleus for Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure (NEEM) today represents a collective of preparatory and instrumental laboratories where a group of researchers with a large number of different possibilities for carrying out research work, both as a preparatory point of view and for the characterization of the most diverse types of materials.
For historical reasons, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Luiz Fernando Cappa de Oliveira the main preparative laboratory is called NEEM, as well as an instrument room which contains Raman equipments (both dispersive and interferometric), in addition to the infrared microscope; both laboratories are located in the Materials building, on the premises of the Instituto de Ciências Exatas.
The new Glass Laboratory, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Mauricio Antonio Pereira da Silva, also located in the Materials building, includes installations for the production of vitreous and glass-ceramic materials, as well infrastructure for Chemical analysis.
The Jointly in the Materials building, or preparatory laboratory of the Laboratory of Plasma Nanostructures (LabNano) is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Gustavo Fernandes de Souza Andrade, Prof. Dr. Antonio Carlos Sant’Ana and Prof. Dr. Celly Izumi, research waves on nanostructured systems and their properties is developed.
Also in the same building, the preparatory laboratory for Bioinorganic Chemistry is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Alexandre Cuin, investigating the structural coordination of Inorganic Chemistry of and their biological properties.
–> The Crystallography Laboratory, coordinated by Prof. Dr. Charlane Cimini Correia and Prof. Dr. Alexandre Cuin, which has instruments for crystallographic studies and also polycrystalline materials, is also in the Materials building, and is part of the NEEM infrastructure.
–> The Chemistry and Technology Laboratory, QuimTec, is located in the old ICE building, and has laboratory and instrumental infrastructure for research in Chemical Technology, more focused on the food area, seeking to develop investigations associated with food area and its spectroscopic properties; such laboratory is coordinated by Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Stephani and Prof. Dr.Luiz Fernando Cappa de Oliveira.
Also part of the NEEM collective laboratories:
–> NMR Laboratory: such laboratory includes two NMR instruments, one 300 MHz and the other 500 MHz; the first dedicated to the analysis of solid materials, and is responsible for Prof. Dr. Alexandre Leitão. The second instrument is dedicated to the study of NMR spectra of different nuclei, and various NMR techniques can be performed, being responsible for Prof. Dr. Giovanni Amarante.
–> Electron Microscopy Laboratory: includes instruments for obtaining images from scanning and transmission electron microscopy, both operative. Such equipment is under the responsibility of Prof. Dr. Cristiano Legnani, from the UFJF Physics Department.