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The Nucleus for Spectroscopy and Molecular Structure (NEEM) of the Department of Chemistry at UFJF currently has a good research instrumental infrastructure, distributed in a group of laboratories:

UV-vis spectrophotometer in the range from 190 to 1100 nm;

-Infrared spectrometer (with Fourier transform), range from 200 to 6000 cm-1, equipped with a microscope system and special detector;

Particle size measuring equipment with low-angle laser scanning;

-Equipment for structural elucidation (one for crystal structures and the other for measurements of polycrystalline systems);

Other instrumentation is available in associated laboratories, such as the 500 MHz nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers (for solutions) and the dedicated 300 MHz for solids, both multinuclear; instrumentation for elemental analysis (analysis of C, H, N, and other elements); thermogravimetry systems (TG, DSC and DTA), as well as a wide variety of smaller instruments for analyzing the most varied types of samples.



Scanning Electron Microscopes (SEM), one conventional and the other 
portable, which allow the study of the elementary composition of samples
through compositional and semi-quantitative mapping – EDS.



 equip raman 2
Raman spectrometer (Fourier transform),  excitation in the near infrared 
1064 nm.


equip raman


Raman dispersive spectrometer with microscope equipped with three
different excitation lines: 532, 632.8 and 785 nm.


Visible and near infrared reflectance spectrometer, range 300 to 2000 nm, 
for solids and UV-vis spectrophotometer in the range 190 to 1100 nm.


The above equipment are available for external use or collaborative work, after contact with a group researcher.