- Regularity analysys for an abstract thermoelastic system with inertial term. ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations (ESAIM: COCV), Accepted to publication Nov/2020. (with Zhaobin Kuang, Zhuangyi Liu).
- General condition for exponential stability of thermoelastic Bresse systems with Cattaneo’s law. Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, v. 19(7), p. 3575-3596, 2020. (with Pedro Roberto de Lima).
- Stability of abstract thermoelastic systems with inertial terms. Journal of Differential Equations, v. 267(12), p. 7085-7134, 2019. (with Zhuangyi Liu, Reinhard Racke).
- Stability of thermoelastic Bresse systems. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik – ZAMP, v. 70(3), 2019. (with Pedro Roberto de Lima).
- Stability conditions to Bresse systems with indefinite memory dissipation. Applicable Analysis, published online, 2018. (with Luci Harue Fatori, Michele de Oliveira Alves).
- A nonlinear thermoelastic Bresse system: Global existence and exponential stability. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, v. 443(2), p. 1071-1089, 2016. (with Luci Harue Fatori, Pedro Roberto de Lima).
- The Timoshenko system with history and Cattaneo law. Applied Mathematics and Computation, v. 228, p. 128-140, 2014. (with Luci Harue Fatori, Rodrigo Nunes Monteiro).
- Optimal rates of decay in 2-d thermoelasticity with second sound. Journal of Mathematical Physics, v. 53, 073509, 2012. (with Jaime E. Muñoz Rivera).
- A note on analyticity to piezoelectric systems. Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, v. 35(18), p. 2157-2165, 2012. (with Bernadette Miara, Mauro Lima Santos).
- On the rate of decay in interacting continua with memory. Journal of Differential Equations, v. 251(12), p. 3583-3605, 2011. (with Jaime E. Muñoz Rivera, Ramón Quintanilla).
- Analyticity of transmission problem to thermoelastic plates. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, v. 69, p. 1-13, 2011. (with Jaime E. Muñoz Rivera).
- Decay of solutions in nonsimple thermoelastic bars. International Journal of Engeneering Science, v. 48(11), p. 1233-1241, 2010. (with Jaime E. Muñoz Rivera, Ramón Quintanilla).
- On the stability of Mindlin-Timoshenko plates. Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, v. 67, p. 249-263, 2009.
- On the stability of damped Timoshenko systems: Cattaneo versus Fourier law. Arquive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, v. 194(1), p. 221-251, 2009. (with Reinhard Racke).
- Stability of Timoshenko systems with past history. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, v. 339(1), p. 482-502, 2008. (with Jaime E. Muñoz Rivera).
- Exponential decay of Timoshenko systems with indefinite memory dissipation. Advances in Differential Equations, v. 13(7-8), p. 733-752, 2008. (with Jaime E. Muñoz Rivera).
- Stability for a transmission problem in thermoelasticity with second sound. Journal of Thermal Stresses, v. 31(12), 2008. (with Jaime E. Muñoz Rivera, Reinhard Racke).