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Professor Giovanni é um dos ganhadores do BMOS/RSC Young Investigator Distinction

The seventeenth edition of Brazilian Meeting on Organic Synthesis (BMOS) took place between October 21 and 24. Held at the Gran Hotel Stella Maris in Salvador, Bahia, the event brought together the Brazilian synthetic organic community to learn about avant-garde works in the area, discuss their research and seek cooperation with foreign groups.

One of the highlights of the event was cooperation with Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) and the UK International Year of Science, which allowed the third edition of Young Investigator Distinction (YID), whose winners were Andrew L. Lawrence (University of Edinburgh, UK), Diogo S. Lüdtke ( UFRGS, Brazil), Giovanni W. Amarante (UFJF, Brazil) and Stephen P. Thomas (University of Edinburgh, UK). This special session culminated with conference of Prof. Jonathan Clayden (University of Bristol), author of famous area book and with excellent experimental work in the conformational analysis.


FONTE: http://boletim.sbq.org.br/noticias/2018/n3327.php

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