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Prof. Giovanni Amarante

Prof. Giovanni Wilson Amarante – Lattes

  E-mail: giovanni.amarante@ufjf.br


Associate professor of the Chemistry Department at the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora – UFJF. He received BSc degree (2004)  and MSc (2005) in Chemistry from UFJF. In 2009, he obtained the PhD in Sciences  – Organic Chemistry degree from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2009). He spent a year as a Post-doc researcher at the University of California at Berkeley – USA (2009-2010) under the supervision of Prof. F. Dean Toste and at the LQOS-UNICAMP (09/2010 – 10/2010) under the supervision of Prof. Luiz Carlos Dias. He has experience in Organic Chemistry, with emphasis on the development of methodologies, total synthesis and organic reaction mechanism. Since 2019 he has been Associate Editor of Química Nova.


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