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Seminário dia 27/02/2019

Dando continuidade aos Seminários do Departamento de Física, convidamos todos os professores e alunos para o seminário do Prof. Manuel Asorey, que estará no Brasil na próxima semana.

Palestrante: Prof. Manuel Asorey

Departamento de Física Teórica – Universidad de Zaragoza

Título: Topological Matter


The emergent role of topology in quantum matter is not generated by the topology of the different material samples, but rather by the topology of the bands of its energy spectrum. The finding of this hidden topology has been the key to the discovery of topological phases of matter. The novel conductivity properties of matter in these phases together with the robustness that topology provides interesting applications of topological materials in spintronics and quantum computation.

Data: 27/02/2019 – quarta-feira
Horário: 16:00 h
Local: 3501 – ICE