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Study and Research Groups

– The Daily of Caring in Nursing.


Leader: PhD Girlene Alves da Silva



– Group of Research and Advanced Studies in Nursing – (GEPAE)


Leader: PhD. Fábio da Costa Carbogim and PhD. Kelli Borges dos Santos



– Research Group on Philosophy and Sociology of Human Care in Everyday Health and Nursing


Leaders: PhD. Marcelo da Silva Alves; PhD. Thais Vasconcelos Amorim



– Technology Culture and Communication in Health and Nursing (TECCSE)


Leader: PhD. Paula Krempser


– Group of Studies and Research on Self-Care and Educational Process in Health and Nursing – (GAPESE)


Leader: PhD. Edna Aparecida Barbosa de Castro and PhD. Denise Barbosa de Castro Friedrich


– Health and Nursing Management (GESEnF)


Leaders: PhD. Nádia Fontoura Sanhudo and PhD Beatriz Francisco Farah


– Center for Studies in Infections and Complications Related to Health Care (NEICAS)


Leaders: PhD. Thiago César do Nascimento and PhD.  Angélica da Conceição Oliveira Coelho


Projects Financed by Development Agencies




Surveillance of leprosy cases, contacts and population

Coordinator: Dra. Angélica da Conceição Oliveira Coelho

Description: This project aims to analyze the results of the synthetic anti-PGL-1 (NDO-HSA), LID-1 and NDO-LID, and CXCL10 and CCL2 tests and their use in the surveillance of leprosy cases , household and social contacts, and population.

Status: In progress;

Project financed by FAPEMIG Edital 2016 CDS APQ 0093616, value R$56,104.65), coordinated by professor Angélica da Conceição Oliveira Coelho, who advises a master’s student (Sarah Lamas Vidal) and three scientific initiation scholarship holders (1 BIC scholarship, 1 PROBIC scholarship and 1 FAPEMIG scholarship), as well as the research project with the theme: “Evaluation of Primary Health Care and performance analysis.

Funder(s): Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – Financial assistance. Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Scholarship.


Continuing Health Education as a Management Device in the Unified Health System (SUS)

Coordinator: Dr. Denise Barbosa de Castro Friedrich

Description: The research project, entitled “Permanent Health Education as a Management Device in the SUS”, linked to the Research Program for the SUS (PPSUS) and financed by the Notice 07/2017 of the Foundation for Research Support of Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG), with a total raised amount of R$ 61,111.20. This is a study with a qualitative approach, of the descriptive type, based on the theoretical-methodological framework of hermeneutics-dialectics. The study scenario is the 28 regional health superintendencies and managements in the state of Minas Gerais. Participants are health professionals who work in the management of projects and programs developed in the superintendencies in the municipalities within the coverage area.

Funder(s): Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – Financial assistance. Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Scholarship. Number of orientations: 1



Development and use of a multimedia application on a mobile platform for teaching Basic Life Support to undergraduate students in nursing and health.




Coordinator: Dr. Fábio da Costa Carbogim

Description: The study aims to develop and evaluate a multimedia application on a mobile platform for teaching BLS for students in basic education and undergraduate nursing/health in the city of Juiz de Fora. This is an applied research in the modality of technology production, contemplated in FAPEMIG Universal Demand Notice 01/2018 with R$ 28,229.88 for project development (APQ-00556-18). This is a multicenter project that counts on the participation of professors from UFJF and their undergraduate and master’s students, as well as researchers from the University of São Paulo School of Nursing (Vilanice Alves de Araújo Püschel and Heloisa Helena Ciqueto Peres- Postgraduate Program -Graduation in Adult Health Nursing – PROESA) and University of Campinas -Unicamp (Ana Paula Boaventura).

Funder(s): Funder(s): Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – Financial assistance. Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Scholarship. Number of orientations: 4



Evaluation of the Tuberculosis Control Program in Juiz de Fora-MG, Brazil.


Coordinator: Dr. Girlene Alves da Silva

Description: Evaluation project using quanti and quali research methods and having workers, managers and users as active subjects in reducing vulnerabilities to illness from tuberculosis. It is part of the integrated research project (Umbrella), which intends to articulate and/or unfold into other (sub) projects. Evaluative research, with a mixed methodological approach, of a quanti-qualitative nature, which will have the city of Juiz de Fora – MG as a scenario

Professor Girlene Alves da Silva was awarded funding by FAPEMIG in her project: Evaluation of the Tuberculosis Control Program in Juiz de Fora-MG (apq-03011-17) with a value of R$ 43,455.51. This project includes undergraduate and graduate students (masters and doctorate) and faculty of nursing and the graduate program in collective health at the UFJF faculty of medicine (Dr. Isabel Cristina Gonçalves Leite). In addition, Dr. Antônio Ruffino Netto, from the Universidad School of Medicine, participates in the project.


Assessment of the environment of nursing practice, omission of care and safety climate: perception of nursing professionals from three regions of Brazil

Coordinator: Dr. Herica Silva Dutra

Description: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational study with a quantitative approach. The main objective of this investigation is to assess the perception of nursing professionals about the environment of nursing practice, job satisfaction, care omission and safety climate in a hospital in Minas Gerais through the use of validated instruments. Nursing professionals working in the target institution will be invited to participate in the study. The data obtained may guide the development of institutional policies aimed at improving the nursing practice environment, the quality of nursing care, and the safety and satisfaction of patients. Professor Dr. Herica Silva Dutra, together with the visiting professor of the Graduate Program in Nursing at UFJF, were awarded by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPQ) – with financial support of R$ 15,100.00.

Funder(s): National Council for Scientific and Technological Development – ​​Financial assistance. Juiz de Fora Federal University



Coordinator: Dr. Edna Aparecida Barbosa de Castro and Dr. Kênia Lara da Silva

Description: In this research, we take as object the budgetary/financial impact of care transfer strategies for home care, as a tool in the decision process on the implementation and maintenance of these services in the public health care network. There are gaps in knowledge about the cost-effectiveness of AD, with indication of variations according to the profile of the cases, the point of the care network to which the service is linked and the transfer of costs to families. The DP Edna Aparecida Barbosa de Castro, leader of the Study and Research Group on Self-Care and Educational Processes in Health and Nursing (GAPESE) ( ) in partnership with researcher Kenia Lara da Silva from the UFMG School of Nursing, maintains the project on screen, supported by FAPEMIG – Call 07/2017 – Research Program for the SUS – PPSUS, in the amount of R$ 79,111.20 (APQ-04032-17).

Funder(s): Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – Financial assistance. Federal University of Juiz de Fora – Scholarship. Number of orientations: 4




Development and validation of a mobile smart system for multidimensional assessment of the elderly: clinical, psychosocial and functional assessment


Coordinator: Dr. Ricardo Bezerra Cavalcante


Description: We seek to develop a mobile intelligent system to support the nursing process, considering the multidimensional assessment of the elderly. It is expected to develop the features: support the decision of nursing diagnoses and care plan based on the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP); multidimensional assessment of the elderly integrated into the nursing process; monitoring and prediction of risks using artificial intelligence; back-end system for sharing information via instant messengers. The technological development research will be carried out in two phases: PHASE 1: Development of Technological Innovation; PHASE 2: Validation of Technological Innovation. Started in 2020, the project was included in the FAPEMIG Public Notice (Call PPSUS.APQ-00707-20) with funding in the amount of R$ 33,169.84

Funder(s): Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – Financial assistance.



implementation and effects of the Electronic Patient Record system e-SUS Primary Care

Coordinator: Dr. Ricardo Bezerra Cavalcante


Description: PHASE 2 of the multicentric project involving universities (UFSJ, UFMG, FUMEC, UFJF, UNINOVA – Lisbon/Portugal). This study aims to evaluate the implementation of the Electronic Citizen’s Record (PEC) component of the e-SUS Primary Care system and its effects on the organization of the work process and care management in Basic Health Units (UBS). This is PHASE 2 of the study, where data collection is aimed at other regions of Minas Gerais, specifically the East, Northeast and North regions. The project was awarded in 2018 by the The project was contemplated in 2018 by the FAPEMIG Notice (PPM XXII – PPM-00248-18), with funding in the amount of BRL 50,400.00.

Funder(s): Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – Financial assistance.




Coordinator: Dr. Eliete Albano de Azevedo Guimarães and Dr. Ricardo Bezerra Cavalcante

Description: The aim is to evaluate the Information System of the National Immunization Program in its two dimensions, namely: the implementation of technology; the effects of technology on care management and on the work of health professionals. Evaluation is used as a theoretical framework and the triangulation of approaches. The project was awarded in 2018 by the FAPEMIG notice (APQ-03787-17 – PPSUS) with funding in the amount of R$ 60,669.36

Funder(s): Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – Financial assistance.


Use of personal protective equipment by health professionals in the fight against COVID 19.

Coordinator: Dra. Angélica da Conceição Oliveira Coelho

Description: The aim of the study is to assess the adherence and use of PPE by professionals in Primary Health Care and professionals linked to residency programs in the health area in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and related risk factors. This is a descriptive, analytical cross-sectional study with the inclusion of a methodological step. Study participants will be all professionals working in the PHC of Brazilian municipalities and all professionals linked to residency programs in the health area who freely agree to participate. The methodological stage will carry out the content validation of the instrument designed for data collection and the participants for this stage will be judges with experience in content validation, experience in the area of ​​infectious diseases and/or acting in PHC. The project was awarded in 2020 by the Call Notice MCTIC/CNPq/FNDCT/MS/SCTIE/Decit No. 07/2020 (Process No. 401457/2020-6) – Research to face COVID-19, its consequences and other acute respiratory syndromes serious, with promotion in the amount of R$ 58,000

Funder(s): National Council for Scientific and Technological Development –​​Financial assistance. Federal University of Juiz de Fora


Diffusion of technological innovation: Information System of the National Immunization Program

Coordinator: Dr. Ricardo Bezerra Cavalcante

Description: The aim is to evaluate the diffusion of a technological innovation, in this case the Information System of the National Immunization Program. The research is carried out in Minas Gerais, triangulating quantitative and qualitative data from the Evaluation references. The study is multicenter and involves the following institutions: Federal University of São João Del Rei; Juiz de Fora Federal University; FUMEC; Minas Gerais State Health Department..

Funded by FAPEMIG (APQ-01505-17)


Funder(s): Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – Financial assistance.



Refractory Schizophrenia – Atypical Neuroleptic Medication Clozapine: Prevalence of Alcohol and Other Drug Use, Metabolic Syndrome and Polymorphism in the GSTM1 and GSTT1 Genes


Coordinator: Dr. Luciana Lara dos Santos and Dr. Ricardo Bezerra Cavalcante

FAPEMIG (No. 1/2015)

Description: The project seeks to assess, control and prevent drug use, metabolic syndrome and genetic polymorphism in patients with refractory schizophrenia. In this way, it is possible to produce knowledge that can support the development of public policies aimed at improving the effectiveness of treatment, reducing public spending and preventing the expansion of these health problems that are leaders in morbidity and mortality in world statistics. This program aims to determine the prevalence of drug use and the incidence of metabolic syndrome and polymorphisms in the GSTM1 and GSTT1 genes in patients with refractory schizophrenia using atypical neuroleptic medication (Clozapine) in the city of Divinópolis/Minas Gerais. Because they appear as priorities in health care and the need to collect these data as possible subsidies for the municipality’s agreement in the Master Plan for Primary Care. In addition to valuing and optimizing the academy and basic health units as public spaces for socializing and promoting patients’ resocialization and quality of life..

Funder(s): Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – Financial assistance.



The use of information in Primary Health Care – Strategies of municipal management in planning and decision making: Study in Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Coordinator: Dr. Humberto Ferreira de Oliveira Quites and Dr. Ricardo Bezerra Cavalcante

FAPEMIG (APQ-01753-18).

Description: Given the importance of health information in the organizational setting of public services, where its practices are increasingly necessary and required in existing processes, this study addresses difficulties and barriers involving the strategic management of information by municipal managers in Primary Care a Health. The objective of this work is to analyze the use of information in Primary Health Care (PHC) by municipal managers in Minas Gerais, through a study that articulates quantitative and qualitative methods. Initially, an online questionnaire will be applied to municipal secretaries across the state. Data will be worked through multivariate analysis and spatial analysis. Subsequently, semi-structured interviews will be conducted with a group of these secretaries to understand perceptions and objective actions in the strategic management of health information in decision-making, being worked by the method of content analysis. With the study, we intend to support a debate on strategies that eventually overcome challenges and difficulties inherent in daily practice aimed at decision-making in health at the primary level of Health Care using information.

Funder(s): Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – Financial assistance.




Application Specific Single Electropneumatic Mechanical Ventilator (VMPES) for Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Caused by COVID-19.

Coordination: Pedro Santos Almeida and Thiago Cesar Nascimento

Description: Mechanical ventilation (MV) has been required in patients who present with Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS or ARDS) due to COVID-19 in moderate and severe cases. In Brazil and in the world, there are already indications that the available VMs are insufficient to meet the eventual peak of demand for the infection. The production of VMs even with emergency measures occurs at a rate well below that necessary for internal needs. The current proposal is to specify and build a VM that is compatible only with the ventilatory support needs of patients with ARDS, which would greatly simplify the design and construction, and consequently the manufacturing speed by the national industry.

Funder(s): Research Support Foundation of the State of Minas Gerais – Financial assistance.









Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga. Conteúdo acessível em Libras usando o VLibras Widget com opções dos Avatares Ícaro, Hosana ou Guga.