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The selection process involves has taken place at the end of each year, with the beginning of academic activities in March of the following year. Selection involves 4 steps:


First step: Online applications with submission of research projects;


Second step: Written test.


Third step: Proficiency in a foreign language. For foreign students, proficiency exams in Portuguese and English are mandatory. Portuguese speakers must be proficient in English.


Fourth step: Individual interview.


An average of seven is required to pass each stage, except for language exams, where the candidate will simply be considered fit or not.

Partnerships and academic activities in the Graduate Program in Nursing are mediated by the Directorate of International Relations of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora.

International institutional partnerships can take place through different legal instruments depending on their objectives and specificities.


Letter of intent

Protocol of Intent or Memorandum of Understanding (Memorandum of Understanding, Framework Agreement)

cooperation agreement

Student exchange agreement

Double Degree and Co-tutorship Agreements

International Agreement

multilateral agreements


For more information, consult the page:







Tel. +55 3221023821 Ext. 2

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