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Program Structure

The graduate program consists of a large physical area, located on the first floor of the Faculty of Nursing and includes: secretariat, coordination room, four research group rooms (where meetings are held with its members); auditorium (100 people), 4 exclusive classrooms (40 people) and the possibility of another 7 from the faculty (by appointment), master’s computer lab, with 10 desktop computers and space for internet connection for 5 more notebooks. In addition, from 2018 onwards, ample and appropriate space was made available for the facilities of the Laboratory of Microbiology for Clinical Research. It is worth noting that this last laboratory is in the implementation phase and researches that require complex analyzes are carried out in other partner laboratories at the University (Faculty of Pharmacy, Laboratory of Clinical and Microbiological Analysis). The Educational Activities Simulation laboratory was also created for postgraduate and undergraduate professors and students to carry out educational activities for basic, undergraduate and graduate education. The space has whiteboards, table, chairs, equipment for classroom projection, 50-inch TV. In addition, it has a partnership with the three laboratories of the nursing faculty that provide mannequins and equipment for simulating child and woman care, adult care and nursing procedures.


Area of Concentration

The Stricto Sensu Postgraduate Program in Nursing is organized around the area of concentration “Health Care and Nursing” with the following research lines: “Theoretical, Political, and Cultural Foundations of Health Care and Nursing” and “Technology and Communication in Health Care and Nursing”.


Research Lines

1 – Theoretical, Political and Cultural Foundations of Care in Health Nursing

Study of the theoretical, political and cultural foundations and models of health care and nursing, seeking to understand the determinants and intervening factors and the representations involved in the health-disease process to the individual, family, and community in the health system with emphasis on therapeutics and healthy behaviors, contributing to the science and disciplines of nursing in the conformation of the professional identity of nursing as a social profession.


2 – Technology and Communication in Health Care and Nursing

Studies and development of technologies and communicational processes applicable in health and nursing, instrumentalizing the being and doing together with the health and nursing team in the practice of caring, teaching/educating, managing and communicating, producing knowledge that converts the process of caring for individuals, families, caregivers and collectivity throughout the life cycle into appropriate technologies for the work process in health and nursing.

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