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Graduate Nursing Program, Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil The Graduate Nursing Program acts in the formative excellence of masters and in the training of nurses for teaching and research. Thus, it acts to stimulate the production of information, indicators and technologies that guide the health system and generate social impact. To achieve these objectives, the Program, which was created in 2010, takes as reference its area of concentration: Health Care and Nursing, for which two lines of research were defined in order to consolidate the production, diffusion and dissemination of knowledge in health and nursing produced by teachers and students involved in the program. The first line, "Theoretical, Political, and Cultural Foundations of Care in Health and Nursing", is focused on studies of the theoretical, political, and cultural foundations and models of care in health and nursing, seeking to understand the determinants and intervening factors and the representations involved in the health-disease process for the individual, family, and community in the health system, with emphasis on therapeutics and healthy behaviors. In this way, it contributes to the science and disciplines of nursing in the shaping of professional identity. The second line "Technology and Communication in health care and Nursing" is focused on the studies and development of technologies and communication processes applicable to health and nursing, instrumentalizing the being and doing together with the health and nursing team in the practice of caring, teaching/educating, managing, and communicating, producing knowledge that converts the process of caring for individuals, families, caregivers, and collectivity throughout the life cycle into appropriate technologies for the work process in health care and nursing. Thus, it is expected that graduates will be able to produce innovative knowledge based on scientific, ethical and appropriate methodologies; critically analyze the care process in its various dimensions in health and nursing; identify and articulate the phenomena, interventions and evaluate the results of health and nursing actions in the context in which they work; contribute to the advancement of nursing as knowledge and profession, and to the improvement of the health conditions of the population at the local, regional, national, and international levels, whether in the field of care or in the field of teaching; promote the dissemination of the knowledge produced with a view to valuing nursing as an area of health knowledge. Starting in 2017, and improved in 2019, evaluation and self-evaluation indicators were established to guide the Program's actions in the immediate and immediate future. Among the main strategies, the following stand out: develop regional, national and international partnerships, generating impact and visibility to the Program; stimulate research in the scope of production of technologies in health and education for basic and higher education; encourage line of action and projects with insertion in basic education; expand the stimulus to multicenter research; maintain the stimulus to the coming of foreign visiting professor/researcher, valuing the opportunity of reciprocity and retention of results, benefits within the College of Nursing, University and institutions (classes, courses, agreements) with the Directorate of International Relations; expand the survey, via online form, about the professional and social insertion, social impact of graduates of Graduate Studies and establish goals/indicators for equalization and balance between the productions/professor.


Dissertation Defense – Adriana Elisa Carcereri de Oliveira – September 13, 2021

We invite everyone to defend the Dissertation of the student Adriana Elisa Carcereri de Oliveira, entitled: “PROFILE OF DIRECT AMBULATORY COSTS IN THE TREATMENT OF PROSTATIC NEOPLASIA”
Advisor: Prof. Dr. Elenir Pereira de Paiva
Date: September 13, 2021
Time: 2:00 pm
Public webconference link:

Dissertation Defense – Adriana Elisa Carcereri de Oliveira – September 13, 2021



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